
Attention Management

Attention Management

Managing your attention is vital to your success. Create a structural routine so that you can own your attention and your time. This way you can leverage it so that you’ll have uninterrupted focus so that you can truly focus and not be overwhelmed.

Avoid multitasking so that you stay totally engaged with what it is that you are doing.

Review your goals weekly so don’t just set them at the beginning of the year and review them quarterly but each week go and review your progress.

  1. AWAKE (get up and get going)
  2. LOVE (meditate or pray)
  3. OPPORTUNITY (re-evaluate your goals and look for opportunities)
  4. HEALTH (wellness and fitness and your self-care)
  5. ASPIRE (go out and aspire, connect and inspire others)

Book a one on one call to find out what services would help you best!

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