
Enquiry calls and the sales script

Enquiry calls and the sales script

Enquiry calls and the sales script

I’ve done a lot of research and a few training courses to learn the ideal ways to structure a discovery or sales call. The most important thing I have learned is you are servicing that client, not selling to them. They have a problem and you have the solution.  Therefore you are servicing their needs not selling them something they don’t want or need.

You also need to keep in mind that some people may simply not be ready to be serviced. Change is scary and many people need coaxing and nurturing before they are ready to embrace change. It is important to follow the framework of your calls. Learn the general structure of a call and get positive results. Once you have them on the phone they are a warm lead. They have already reached out to you,  you need to turn it into a hot lead and not let them go away and get cold.

A No is not always a No.  It may just need a little more nurturing if it is still warm. Send them a couple of emails with some free info to entice them, maybe a limited offer. Remember to ask them why they are not ready. Keep notes of their objections so that when you do a follow-up call you can refer to those notes and use that info to your advantage.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind.
  • If your product or service is of a personal nature you need to be aware that you are broaching a sensitive subject.  Adjust your word choice so that you do not scare people off by being too blunt or straightforward.  I like to schedule my sales calls for the afternoon for that very reason. During the day I am in coaching mode, it is my job to tell people what they are doing wrong and how they need to fix it. With a sales call, I need to change my style of speaking so that I am not giving them free advise or scaring them away.
  • Don’t ruffle your own feathers and talk too much, they know what you do; they have seen your page. Guide them into doing the talking, you need to listen to their problems and make note of your selling points by hearing their version of the problem they are facing.
  • Find out where they heard about you.  This is a nice way to see what part of your marketing is working.
  • Connect with them on a personal level, maybe you live in the same area or you are both dog lovers.  Make them feel comfortable having a conversation with you
  • It is not just a sales call; it is also a qualifying call. Use this time to establish if they are a worthwhile lead or are just fishing for free info. You don’t want to waste your time on someone that is never going to buy.
  • You are in charge of the call. Explain to your potential client how the process work and the steps taken after the phone call.
  • Ask the right questions so. Steer them into the realisation that they need you to help them with whatever problem they have.
  • Repeat the answers they give you.  This way everything is understood and you can use this time to press the pertinent points to get a yes.
  • Ask how serious they are about solving their problem and their timeframe of when they want to see results.
  • Once you have them agreeing that they need you that is when you present them with the ideal package for them. Don’t throw too many options at them, you don’t want them to say they will think about it, you want a yes there an then.
  • Handling objections – there will always be objections and you need to have your response ready. The most common objection is ‘I don’t have the time’ of ‘I don’t have the money’ or ‘the timing is not right’. Be prepared for whatever objections they can come up with. If they say the timing is not right, well the timing is never right for change but the sooner they start the sooner they can reach their goals.
Practice makes perfect

Remember to practice your script, know it back to front. Confidence can be heard in a persons voice and you want to come across as confident. Perhaps stand in front of a mirror and say it to yourself. You will know how the average call progresses so have you replies for different scenarios ready.   You know your business better than anyone else so you are the best person to do sales calls.  Avoid trusting assistants to do your sales calls, they do not have the same passion as you have for what you do.

Here are some sample sentences that you can use to help you with your framework. Adjust the wording to suit your product or service.
  • It seems like this program is a good fit for you and what you want to achieve, what do you think?
  • Would you like some help, can I help you?
  • If I throw in my 14day program would that help you to decide?
  • Taking all your requirements and desires into consideration I think that this program would work best for you, would you like to go ahead and start?
  • I’d hate to see you not achieve your goal because you didn’t have the right strategy in place. Do you want to take a step towards your goal today?
  • Why don’t you give this a try?
  • If you sight up today I can guarantee that we will help you to overcome your problems in a couple of weeks, how does that sound?
  • You mentioned you were wanting to generate income working back from your goal, signing up today would be in your favour.
  • Ready to move forward, I can send you the documents and set you up right now, all I need is your banking details and preferred appointment date.
  • Unless you have any more questions or concerns I think we are ready to get started. Wouldn’t you agree?
  • Should we move ahead and book your first session?

Book a one on one call to find out what services would help you best!

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