Facebook Page Roles, Risk and Responsibility.

Facebook Page Roles, Risk and Responsibility.

Facebook Page Roles, Risk and Responsibility.

Facebook Page Roles, Risk and Responsibility.

Facebook Page Roles, Risk and Responsibility: After spending 3 months of marketing an event on facebook, having already received 3000 interested leads, the facebook event got accidentally deleted by someone who had been given an admin role on that page.

All those interested in attending then got a notification to say the event had been cancelled, which caused even more drama. The sad part was, a Facebook event, once deleted, is GONE FOR GOOD and all those interested leads lost. So, we created another Facebook event and wrote a post on the page to explain the event had not been cancelled, however we were back to scratch sharing, inviting and collecting interest for the event, not forgetting that the previous event link would still be in all the groups, however would no longer work (and seem like it was cancelled)

Both the Page owner and those being assigned roles, need to understand the page roles to avoid Risk:

As an admin or editor on a Facebook page, you are able to create and delete content, do Facebook lives, comment, respond and also allowed to EDIT the page (which includes deleting events).

Giving someone a moderators role only allows them to comment or respond to content and messages.

What is also important to note, is that admin, editors and moderators all have access to incoming messages. This includes receiving notifications, being able to view and respond to messages, as themselves and as the page! The page owner may not wish for anyone else on their page to read or respond to the messages. In fact, if someone clicks on 犀利士
a message, the page owner may miss that message or presume they had dealt with it, as it would be shown as READ. Or maybe you wish for them to respond to messages? But do you want them to respond as the page or themselves? It is important this is well established.

Facebook Page Responsibilities:

As the page owner, assigning page roles comes with a huge responsibility and it is imperative you communicate with those you are giving access. Not everyone has the same understanding of how Facebook works, and I have seen pages severely damaged by both negligence and intent. To prevent this, each person assigned a role should have a verbal and written agreement of their expectation for their page, and an explanation of what is NOT permitted on the page eg. Do not read or respond to incoming messages. Do not edit or delete events or content. It is also important to clearly outline what their role on that page is. For example, if it is to be a guest presenter doing a LIVE, then outline the time, day, their responsibility to advertise the LIVE beforehand (and spell it out), the type of content, call to actions, self-promotion policy, sharing of links, length etc.

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