
Habits of highly effective people

Habits of highly effective people

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People says ”our character is a collection of our habits these have a powerful role in our lives that make us what we are and determine how much success we enjoy”.

Number one is being proactive, you can dream all the things in the world that it is that you want to do but unless you actually take inspired action and have the courage to take risks nothing will come of it.

Number two is begin with the end in mind.

Number three is put first things first I find that if I’ve got a lot of little annoying things and I get them done and off my list, I have more brain space for the bigger things. But when it comes to looking at my business or my work or what I’m going to tackle in the day I always look at what is the thing that’s going to make me the most money first, but whatever you choose to make a list to help you stay on track.

Number four is think win-win, work on that willpower muscle and make sure that you keep strengthening it so that you can stay on task.

Number five is seek first to understand and then be understood, actively listen and put yourself in the shoes of others

Number six is synergize so ensure greater buy-in from others and leverage the diversity of strengths of individuals to produce even higher levels of group and individual success. For me what it means is protect your circle of influence and be mindful of who you keep close.

Number seven is sharpen the saw, renew ourselves in body heart mind and soul to maintain effectiveness.

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