Chantal gerardy Privacy and Safety using your Facebook profile.

NO NEWS on Australian Facebook

Chantal gerardy Privacy and Safety using your Facebook profile.

NO NEWS on Australian Facebook

Have you noticed? No news can be shown or shared in Australia on facebook

“For our Australian community, this means they cannot view or share Australian or international news content on Facebook or content from Australian and international news Pages.

For our international community, this means they cannot to view or share Australian news content on Facebook or content from Australian news Pages.”WT? Firstly, Did you know, 14 million Australians use Facebook every day.
Welllllll, long story short, the Australian federal government wants Facebook to pay them for showing their news. Facebook flexed its muscle and said… OK, we’ll just stop showing it. 
“Last year Facebook generated approximately 5.1 billion free referrals to Australian publishers worth an estimated AU$407 million. Despite some of these discussions, Facebook does not steal, take or copy news content.”

“The proposed law ignores these investments and the real value we provide to news organisations. The proposed law is written in a way that means we have to treat all publishers the same: if one publisher is out, it requires that all publishers must also be out, even if they are happy with the benefits they receive from Facebook” Facebook Australia (https://australia.fb.com/news-law)

So what does that mean for Facebook users not publishing news? Well, nothing really…
“We want to assure the millions of Australians using Facebook to connect with friends and family, grow their business and join Groups to help support their local communities, that these services will not change”

Instead, it highlights one of my fundamentals for using Facebook, which is…..’Get the HELL off facebook’WT !!! Well, what that means is that Facebook should be treated as a  ‘vehicle’ and we should create a strategy that treats it that way. Always have a ‘back up’ plan for if Facebook were to fail/go down/disappear. 
Read Blog on this here: https://chantalgerardy.com.au/how-to-prepare-if-facebook-is-down/

and for those of you who may have been affected by this new rule, determine why. It is not a person behind the block, it is AI (artificial intelligence), so consider how a ROBOT is viewing what you do and look at your words. eg. If you are blocked from sharing articles from your website on Facebook, consider changing the name to blogs on your website (and be sure to adjust your SEO), as it would see your article as news you are trying to share. 
Then, you can also dispute the decision by using this link >>>CLICK THIS TO DISPUTE 

Happy Facebooking

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