
What is Clubhouse?

What is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is an audio platform where you can hold an event. When you download an app my suggestion is to straight away go to the notification section inside your phone and turn off your notifications. This is so that you are not governed by your social media notifications. But rather do it in the time that you’ve allocated to do that.

  • Download the app from the App Store – so far it is only for Apple users.  
  • There are no pictures beside your profile picture. So make sure your profile picture is clear and branded and your name is consistent across social platforms.
  • You can either have panellists or people coming in and talking with you but you choose who’s allowed to talk and who’s not.
  • You can go in and you can join, have friends and you can follow people.
  • Before you go and join a room and take the opinion of somebody, check them out first. I’d encourage that go and find people so that you can differentiate yourself from other people. You want to view people like you, your referral partners as well as your prospective customers.
  • Please remember to educate yourselves on how any platform works and all the rules before using it.
  • A strategy is a must-have because you don’t want to waste time and achieve nothing. You can either join someone else’s club to see what events they’re doing or you can have your own club. If you have your own club make sure that you have a rhythm so that your online clubhouse people can fall into a rhythm with you. Whichever you choose, make sure your strategy is income-producing.

How it works is once you sign up and reserve your name it will go on the waiting list and you wait to be accepted or invited. Or, you can invite others to your chat too. As soon as you start holding rooms you can earn up to another five invites to be able to invite other people so use those invites wisely. If you have somebody’s number in your phone it’ll come up and “do you know this person, do you approve them” and you can let them in with ease.

Recording is not allowed. You can mute yourself and you can raise your hand to speak. Whoever’s holding that meeting can decide yes or no. Now, for people who are holding meetings you want to make sure that firstly you give enough time for it to be found so people can add it to their calendar. Which is probably my most favourite feature about Clubhouse. You can actually add it to your Google or Apple calendar.

Here are my findings after spending some time on Clubhouse

Once people post an event there is no way to notify those who have saved it to their calendar if the event holder decides to cancel the event. So if you have allocated time to go join and it is no longer there it can be frustrating. If that happens perhaps use that allocated time to join other rooms or events.

If you have recently joined Clubhouse you receive a party hat by your name indicating you are a newbie so people are not as eager to engage with you. You just have to stick with it for a week or so before you lose the party hat.

There is a moderator and they stalk the people inside the audience and then decide who they’re going to invite up. So that means that your Clubhouse personal profile has got to be interesting and must clearly communicate what you do and who you work with. This should be applied to all your social media platforms.

What I don’t like about Clubhouse is that everybody’s waiting to talk and some people are butting in. There are also people who talk for too long and waffle on. I find there’s some sort of etiquette where people just wait and you have got to find a breathing gap where you can unmute yourself and go in and quickly say something.

What I have learned is that when you turn your mic slowly on and off it means you’d like to talk and when you flicker your mic it means you’re clapping.

When you are there and you’re listening if anybody had anything good to say you can click on their profile and check them out and get connected with them. This could be a great strategy, if you’re in a room with somebody who seemed interesting and that could be useful to you, you can get connected.

Be aware of sketchy clubs. When jumping into a random room you may come across non-business related rooms which become time-wasting.

Clubhouse has a “ping” feature, if you’re listening in a room it’ll say these people are online right now do you want to invite them into the room or let them know about it which is something valuable.

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