You feel like you’re constantly putting out fires with your marketing. Your V.A is enthusiastic but lacks the strategy and skills to manage it effectively, leaving you stuck in the weeds of daily tasks. You want a clear, actionable plan so you can focus on scaling your business, not micromanaging.
You’ve already invested in a V.A, but they’re only handling basic tasks and you want more from your marketing. You see their potential to do more, but you’re unsure how to empower them with the right skills and direction to drive your marketing forward. You are stuck between hiring, firing and rehiring, and the aggravation of it all. You are starting to realise it's you not them.
You want to grow your business, but you’re feeling the strain of trying to carry the marketing by yourself. You’re looking for a way to delegate effectively, build a sustainable marketing strategy, and create more freedom in your day-to-day without sacrificing results. You are ready to jump off that hamster wheel and have a marketing machine and manager that gets results.
Business owners who have: Employees Team V.A.s P.A.s or is it just you that manages the marketing?
These 6-7 figure business owners are: growth orientated willing to change open minded can follow a proven process.
You want to maximise your managers: productivity performance profitability.
Transform your V.A into a Confident Marketing Manager who drives Consistent, Impactful Results
—freeing you from day-to-day marketing tasks & empowering you to focus on growing your business, all with less input and effort from you.
Our step-by-step training gives your V.A the tools, confidence, and strategy to handle your marketing from A to Z—so you can finally take marketing off your plate.
Consistent online presence that reflects your brand values.
Proactive marketing execution, without the constant need for oversight.
Time freed up to focus on high-level business growth.
Audit your current marketing setup to identify gaps.
Personalized training for your V.A on your brand’s marketing needs.
Continuous support and optimization to refine their skills and deliver better results.
Your V.A now leads your marketing efforts, freeing up your time
Steady Growth and Countinous Support
RRP RRP $14,964
SAVE $1,496.40
$1,247/MONTH X 12 MONTHS
Comprehensive training and strategy development
RRP $9,010.87
SAVE $819.17
Quick wins, fast results, and flexible payment options
RRP $5,897
SAVE $984
– No problem. We start at their level and ensure they feel confident before moving forward.
– Our training is designed to be hands-off for you, and empowering for your V.A.
-We offer ongoing support to ensure your V.A is continually improving and delivering results.