TEN things you may not know about LinkedIn

TEN things you may not know about LinkedIn

1) LinkedIn has its own “featured” section
  • when you push plus sign you can actually add posts, articles, links or media into the featured section.
  • you can also edit to change which order the posts feature based on importance.
  • alternatively, you can go into your profile and click the three dots on a chosen post and you can select “feature to the top of your profile”. It will become like a pinned document on your profile as well as under your featured items.
  • This is a great way for you to highlight anything special that might be happening in your business. Or even maybe a list of your services.
2) Turn off “people also viewed” in your settings
  • in your profile go to “settings and privacy” and select account preferences and then site preferences.
  • inside site preferences, a LinkedIn expert, suggested we turn “people also viewed” setting off.
  • when you’re moving around LinkedIn and you’re stalking. People can actually see what it is that you’ve been looking at if this setting is on. So they could basically follow behind you so we recommend turning that one off to a “no”
3) Syncing your sources
  • Go into settings, select account preferences and then “syncing options” and you can sync contacts from different platforms
  • I sunk all my google contacts into my LinkedIn
4) Connect with people you hadn’t thought of connecting with
  • Go into “my network” and down the left-hand side, you can view your contacts. And you can see which of your contacts you haven’t connected with on LinkedIn.
  • you can go send them friend requests/invite them and this will help you reach a wider group of people
5) You can connect your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts
  • Open settings and privacy and then account preferences and scroll down to “subscriptions and payments”
  • connect your Twitter to your LinkedIn profile so that when you do a short post with three to five hashtags post will also be sent to Twitter.
  • You have to make sure you’ve allowed it to connect to Twitter on the actual post by selecting anyone and Twitter under “who can see this post” before you publish the post.
  • however, it does remind you to keep in mind only the first 255 characters will be shared on Twitter. So it’s important to keep it really short and to respect the platform by using three to five hashtags that people would be using to try to find you.
  • You’ll be looking after Twitter and LinkedIn simultaneously which will save you some time
6) Creating a business page
  • To add a new page select the block of nine squares that says “work” and select the “add a company page”
  • Once you’ve set up a LinkedIn company page you can scroll down to your experience. You can actually link your experience to that company page
  • When people view your experience a link to your company page will be available for them to view.
7) Invite people to like your page
  • go to admin tools on the top right-hand side and you can select “invite connections”. There you choose people to invite to like your new page.
8) Make sure that you’ve updated your skills
  • go to your personal profile and you scroll down to “skills and endorsements”. It is important that you’ve made sure that you’ve gone through here and that you’ve updated your skills and that you get people to endorse you for those skills.
  • you can also list them from the most to the least of what you’re known
9) Hear how to pronounce names
  • you can’t set it up on a desktop but you can do it on a mobile phone
  • next to the name if there is a little speaker button you can click it and it will play a recording of the person saying the name.
  • so if you go to your mobile phone and you click on your face at the very top left-hand side go to view profile settings and you’ll be able to go to account preferences. Then to go to “name, location and industry” and you can then select edit it and you’ll see the little speakerphone, you can go in there and you can do a voice recording.
  • You can also choose who it is visible to
10) Following hashtags on LinkedIn
  • if you go to the top left-hand side you can actually type in a specific hashtag and choose to follow them.
  • now if you follow those hashtags and then you use those hashtags inside your posts it will help you to come up in those feeds. So anybody else who has clicked on that specific hashtag and are following the hashtag will now potentially have your post pop up on their feed.
  • In LinkedIn, you don’t really need to use more than about five hashtags but make sure you are following them.
  • it’s important to have a mix of ones that are least followed to ones that are most followed. Because with the least followed ones you obviously stand a higher chance of coming up on there. But with the higher following ones you have a bigger chance of being in front of more people’s timelines. Which is really important.

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