The most important thing to remember if you are planning to do LIVE’s is consistency. Be sure to host them at the same time on the same day so that people can free up that segment of time for you and become accustomed to it and expect it.
This must be a time that is convenient for your ideal client, not convenient for you. For example, If you are in the child health and wellbeing industry you would be wasting your time hosting a LIVE when mums are cooking dinner. A better time would be during the day whilst the kids are at school.
Part of getting to know your ideal client is getting to know when the best time will be for them to watch your LIVE.
Clarity is also a key factor. Be clear about what is in it for them – why should they ‘waste’ their time watching your LIVE. It must be worth their valuable time so make sure that your intro is gripping.
The steps to creating a successful LIVE and Watch Party
- Add the event on Facebook. If you have a collaborator then add them as a co-host so that they can invite people as well. This will broaden your field of prospective clients.
- If your LIVE is a Zoom link then it needs to be added to the event. The person who owns the Zoom link has the power to control the settings. So if you are collaborating be sure the other person adds you as a co-host.
- Once the LIVE is finished it can then be added as a Watch Party and you can invite people to join you to watch. You do not need to be the owner of the Zoom link to do this. This is a great way of getting more mileage out of the LIVE