When you are clear about your specific niche, it will be much easier to identify your target audience. Once you know who your target audience is.
What niche you should choose and how you can package your niche so that you can charge more?
It always comes down to a strategy. I always say before we do absolutely anything in our business, we have to think of the overall strategy.
And an overall strategy considers the ultimate goal of what you’re trying to achieve.
And because you need money, then it comes back to visibility. So at the end of the day, you have to consider how much money you want to make and who will pay you for that.
Many marketers and other coaches will advise you to start with a low-key offer.
I’m sure you would have seen it where they would have said to you, sell something for $7 or give something away for free.
Then we’ll email them, we’ll nurture them, then we’ll sell them a $50 thing.
Then we’ll nurture and then we’ll upsell them to a $97 thing. Then we’ll upsell them to a $500 thing.
Have you heard that before?
Like, you’ve heard that?
When we expect people to buy a low-priced offer and then buy another one and then buy another one, and then buy another one and then buy another one, in a perfect world, we consider the overall spend and go, okay, well, the life cycle of that client is maybe going to bring you $1,000 once they’ve gone through the whole funnel.
Here’s the problem.
?People don’t value cheap.
?Every step in the customer journey, there is an error.
?You have to sell a lot, which means you have to be in front of thousands of people all the time because the conversion rate is two to 3%.
?You have to work out whether or not your strategy is actually going to make you money.
?Credibility as a specialist so you can charge more.
?You’ll make more profits and you’ll work less.
?Shared values
?Personality. Think of a personality that you don’t like working with and think about the opposite word of that.
?Trending. So if something is trending, jump on it. So you got to jump on the bandwagon.
Now, what you want to do is you want to take all of that and you want to put that into a mission statement.
Your chosen niche needs to consider three things.
It has to consider money, passion and results in order for it to be sustainable and profitable.
?? If you don’t get your customer results if you don’t have the capabilities to get your customer results, you’re going to get a bad reputation and you’re not going to make it right.
?? Then your niche, you have to consider money.
People have to have the money. Whomever you’re targeting has to actually have the money to pay for you or else you will go broke.
?? And the third one is passion. If you don’t enjoy talking about it and putting content out every single day, you’re going to burn out or you’re just not going to be successful at it.
So how to create an offer someone will buy:
?Know your numbers. You need to know how many to sell and how many when you’ll hit capacity, never sell your time.
?Sell knowledge, not time. Give people tools and allow them to take action so that they can actually learn.
?Call things a program instead of calling it coaching so that people understand there’s a start, a middle, and an end.
?Go for blended learning. You’ll notice that online courses aren’t valued. People don’t buy them anymore. But when you sell them with accountability, it becomes valuable.
?Go and do a competitor’s analysis. Go and have a look at what other people are charging that are doing what you’re doing. Look at their systems, processes, their audience, their channel, their content. Take note of how you can differentiate yourself from them.
Here are some of the things that you can include to make your offer more desirable.
?You can include online course material.
?You can include one on one, although you need to look at capacity.
?Include group calls
?Include a membership site
?Include checklists and templates
?include a video series
?Include a Facebook group that is structured that you can nurture and support people in.
? Offer calls and email feedback
Are you ready to get clarity on your niches and your offer? So that you can have a profitable business? It always comes down to the S word Strategy.