What is the signature talk? Why, why do you need to have one.
- to build your list
- to show your expertise
- to create more opportunities for your business
- to give you credibility
- to give you more credibility
- to get more people to know like, and trust you,
- so that you can be known as a guru or expert in something
- so that people can start approaching you either to be or to present or to talk on something or to collaborate or network with them.
When you create a signature talk, it’s important to think about the problem that you solve and who you solve it for. And it’s important to have a few up your sleeve so that you can fine tune them or target them.
You could:
- do a podcast
- you could ask to be in the newspaper or on Channel Nine news like I was
- or to talk at a networking event
- or to do a joint webinar
- or to create your own webinar
- or to do a Facebook Live on that signature talk
- or to have all be interviewed to discuss that signature talk
- or to have a vlog or blog
- or a newsletter.
Those are all the places where you would use that signature talk. But more importantly, to go out there and to ask for the opportunity to present on these certain things. This is going to help put you in front of those people’s audience so that you can build your list, and then basically, sell them what you have.
It has to be solution or customer focused when you create it. So you do have to consider who you’re talking to and this is why it is good to have a few tweaked for different occations. I encourage you to have a couple of signature talks around your avatar, around a problem, and around the solution that you can offer and around your expertise so that you can funnel them them into something.
Here is my 4 step process to coming up with a signature talk.
- Have a desirable, adaptable title. So have a couple under your sleeve that you can whip out in the right situation. The title needs to be desirable by the audience. But it also has to be desirable by the person who’s getting you to do that talk. So it is important to go and stalk who your audience is but also who their audience. It’s also got to be enticing enough to their prospect so that they actually attend and listen to the signature talk. It has to show your expertise, it’s got to connect with the pain of the listeners. And it has to have a desirable solution. Use phrases like ‘how-to’, or ‘the five steps to’, or ‘why you should’, or ‘strategies to’, as a lead-in and include things like ‘three strategies to deepen and sweeten your relationship’ or ‘how art therapy can improve your mood’, or ‘five ways to not be an angry mum.’ Phrases like that are going grab their attention.
- You have to have your story and your Why. This is for connection and helps people to know, like and trust you. It needs to be real and authentic. This is going to differentiate you from other guests and make you more memorable. It’s also going to help people give hope. People want hope. And people love a feel-good story of failure followed by success. It gives them hope and encouragement. Show your expertise and your authority on the topic from telling your story or your journey.
- Coming up with your presentation. I would start by just outlining your content, or outlining the topics that you’re going to discuss. Remember to not discuss the ‘how to do it’, but rather what they need to do. Although we want to give value and we need to explain what’s important. We want to make sure that it’s still valuable and still solution-focused, to show that you understand what they’re going through, and you have a solution for them. Focusing on the connection and understanding rather than giving them the actual solution.
- Have a relevant, logical offer for that audience. Who it’s for So the first thing that you’ve got to do is make sure you know who you’re talking to. Be sure to run your talk by the host as some to not allow pitches. They may not allow you to build your list or give an offer at the end. So you want to make sure is it still going to be worth your while if you can’t pitch at the end. And if you are allowed to pitch What do they allow? Do they allow you to share an opt-in? Is it book a call? What is it that you’re allowed to do? You want to check with them first and make sure you know your audience. And the most important thing is sending them to your Facebook page or sending them to an opt-in. Give them a desirable something so that you get the email address because then you can continue to nurture them once you have that email address.