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How to Create Copy and a Sales Flow for Your Website

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How to Create Copy and a Sales Flow for Your Website

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Creating a well-structured website with engaging copy and a smooth sales flow is essential for converting visitors into customers. This guide will help you plan and write effective website content, structure your navigation, and incorporate a lead capture option.

Determine Your Website Tabs

Core Tabs:
  • Home: Introduction to your brand.
  • About Us: Information about your company, mission, and values.
  • Products/Services: Detailed descriptions of your offerings.
  • Blog/Resources: Free resources, opt ins, blogs, podcasts etc
  • Testimonials/Reviews: Social proof to build credibility.
  • Contact: Contact information and forms.
  • FAQs: Common questions and answers.

Additional Popular Tabs:
  • Portfolio/Case Studies: Showcase previous work and successes.
  • Events: Highlight upcoming events and webinars.
  • Team/Our Team: Introduce key team members.
  • Shop: E-commerce section for purchasing products.
  • Careers: Advertise job openings.
  • News/Press: Company news and media coverage.
  • Partners: Highlight partnerships and collaborations.
  • Media or Speakers Kit: A personal branding page to use to apply for events.

Naming Tips:

  • Use simple and clear terms that resonate with your audience.
  • Reflect your brand’s tone and style.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords for SEO.

Website Flow and User Journey

Ideal Website Flow:

1. Home Page:
  • Header: Clear navigation, logo, and a compelling headline.
  • Hero Section: Eye-catching visuals and a strong value proposition.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): Prompt users to take the next step (e.g., “Shop Now”or “Learn More”).
  • Features/Benefits: Highlight key features and benefits.
  • Social Proof: Display testimonials, reviews, and client logos.
  • Footer: Links to important pages, social media, and contact information.

2. Product/Service Page:
  • Product Name: Clear and descriptive.
  • Images/Videos: High-quality visuals to showcase the product.
  • Description: Detailed and engaging copy explaining the product and its
  • Specifications: Key features and technical details.
  • Price and Options: Transparent pricing and available options.
  • CTA: Strong and prominent (e.g., “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now”).
  • Related Products: Suggestions for similar or complementary products.
  • Reviews/Testimonials: User-generated content to build trust.

3. About Us Page:
  • Mission Statement: What drives your company.
  • History: Brief background and story.
  • Team: Introduce key team members with photos and bios.
  • Values: Core values that guide your business.
  • Social Proof: Awards, certifications, or notable achievements.

4. Contact Page:
  • Contact Form: Easy-to-use form for inquiries (Qualify)
  • Contact Information: Phone number, email, and physical address.
  • Map: Embedded map for location.
  • Business Hours: Operating hours for customer visits or support.


Crafting Your Website Copy

Key Principles for Effective Copy:
  • Clarity: Ensure your copy is easy to understand.
  • Compelling: Be concise and to the point.
  • Relevance: Tailor your copy to your target audience’s needs and interests.
  • Persuasion: Use persuasive language to encourage action.
  • SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords for search engine optimization.

Copy Layout/Template:

1. Headline:
  • Attention-grabbing and benefit-driven.
    Example: “Transform Your Space with Innovative Home Solutions”

2. Subheadline:
  • Provide a concise explanation of what you do.
    Example: “Discover modern furniture and decor that elevate your living

3. Introduction:
  • Brief introduction to what you offer.
    Example: “At [Your Company], we provide high-quality, stylish furniture that
    enhances your living space.”
  • Point of difference is paramount

4. Features and Benefits:
  • List features with corresponding benefits.
  • Who this is for and what they are struggling with
  • Future pace them. Can they imagine after your product or service
  • Example: “Eco-friendly materials – Good for the environment and your home.”

5. Social Proof:
  • Testimonials, reviews, and case studies.
    Example: “Our customers love us! Here’s what they have to say…”
    Credibility, qualifications, awards or guarantees.

6. Call-to-Action (CTA):
  • Clear, compelling, and action-oriented.
    Example: “Shop Now” or “Get Started Today”

7. Visual Elements:
  • Use images, videos, and graphics to support your copy.
  • Ensure visuals are high quality and relevant.

Lead Capture Option

Purpose: Collect visitor information to nurture leads and convert them into customers.


  • Pop-Up Forms: Triggered by user behaviour (e.g., exit intent, time on page).
  • Inline Forms: Embedded within content on key pages (e.g., homepage, blog posts).
  • Sidebar Forms: Placed in the sidebar for easy access.
  • Footer Forms: Consistently visible across all pages.


Lead Capture Elements:

  • Headline: Compelling and benefit-driven.
    Example: “Get Exclusive Offers and Updates!”
  • Description: Briefly explain what they’ll receive.
    Example: “Sign up to receive special discounts and the latest news.”
  • Form Fields: Keep it simple – first name, second name and email are usually
  • CTA Button: Clear and enticing.
    Example: “Subscribe Now” or “Get Started”

Additional Tips
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly.
  • Consistent Branding: Maintain a consistent tone, style, and branding across all pages.
  • Analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor performance and make data- driven decisions.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can create a website with effective copy and a streamlined sales flow that engages visitors, captures leads, and drives conversions.
Remember to keep your users’ needs at the forefront and continuously optimize based on feedback and performance data. Looking to boost your social media strategy but need expert guidance? Contact us Chantal for personalized marketing consultancy to take your brand to the next level.

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