Sponsorship Success: A Guide for Purpose-Driven Business Owners

Sponsorship Success: A Guide for Purpose-Driven Business Owners

Sponsorship marketing involves partnering with companies that can provide financial support, products, or services in exchange for promotional opportunities. This guide will help you understand why sponsorships are valuable, how to find and market to potential sponsors, and provide examples and templates to use in your outreach.

Sponsors often choose to sponsor based on a variety of motivations, including ego, tax offset, and a desire to contribute to a cause:

Ego-driven sponsors seek visibility and recognition, wanting their brand to be prominently featured to enhance their reputation.
Sponsors motivated by tax offsets are looking for opportunities that provide financial benefits through deductions.

Those driven by contribution aim to support initiatives that align with their values and mission.

To effectively attract these sponsors, your marketing and content should be tailored to address these drivers. Highlight the visibility and prestige they will gain, clearly outline the potential financial benefits, and emphasize how their sponsorship will make a meaningful impact.

By aligning your messaging with their motivations, you increase thelikelihood of securing their support.

Why Businesses Need Sponsors

  1. Financial Support: Sponsorships provide necessary funds to support events, projects, or initiatives.
  2. Increased Visibility: Partnering with well-known brands can enhance your visibility and credibility.
  3. Access to resources: Additionally, sponsors can offer products, services, or expertise you might not have.
  4. Networking opportunities: Furthermore, building relationships with sponsors can lead to further business opportunities and collaborations.

The Sponsorship Process

1.Identify Your Strategy: Determine what type of support you need (financial, product, service).
2. Research Potential Sponsors: Look for companies that align with your business values and target audience.
3. Create a Sponsorship Proposal: Develop a compelling proposal that outlines the benefits for the sponsor.
4. Reach Out: Contact potential sponsors with personalised messages and follow-up diligently.
5. Sense of Urgency: Include an end date for sense of urgency and so they prioritise an answer. Use follow up SMS to direct them to their emails to reply. A ‘Line in the Sand’ email or SMS can prevent you wasting time with time wasters, and can get ‘busy non-repliers’ to reply.
6. Negotiate Terms: You may wish to discuss and agree on the terms of the sponsorship OR make it easy for them to simply CLICK a button and finalise the agreement and terms.
7.Maintain Relationship: Keep sponsors updated on progress and deliverables. Follow through on any outcomes you agreed on with the sponsorship. Be sure to correctly tag and promote sponsors, respecting their brand and contribution.

Finding Sponsors

To research potential sponsors, use industry directories to find companies in your sector. Attend industry events and conferences to meet potential sponsors. Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are useful for identifying and connecting with companies.

Research Potential Sponsors
  • Industry Directories: Use directories to find companies in your industry.
  • Networking Events: Attend industry events and conferences to meet potential sponsors.
  • Social Media: Use LinkedIn, Facebook and other platforms to identify and connect with companies.

Lead Generation Strategies

  • LinkedIn: Use advanced search filters to find decision-makers in target companies. Use a DM Strategy, clearly outlining the opportunity and benefits for them.
  • Facebook: Follow and engage with brands that align with your values.
  • Facebook Groups: Join industry groups and participate in discussions to identify potential sponsors. Ask to be connected to….. or ask interested parties to PM.
  • Content: Use engaging LIVES, Reels, Stories, Images, Posts and Carousals to show your brands values and commitment, to make other brands want to get involved.
  • Email Campaigns: Create targeted email campaigns to attract potential sponsors.
  • Webinars and Online Events: Host webinars and invite potential sponsors to participate.

Crafting Your Sponsorship Proposal

1. Introduction: Briefly introduce your business and the purpose of the sponsorship.
2. Audience: Describe your audience and how it aligns with the sponsor’s target market.
3. Benefits: Outline the benefits for the sponsor. Remember, Sponsors often choose to sponsor based on a variety of motivations, including ego, tax offset, and a desire to contribute to a cause. Be sure to provide convincers for all three motivations.
4. Sponsorship Levels: Offer different levels of sponsorship with varying benefits. Include Limited or VIP Offers.
5. Call to Action: Provide clear next steps and how they can get involved. Remember, a confused mind buys nothing.

3 ways to Persuade Sponsorships:

1. Ego-Driven Business

Highlight Visibility and Prestige:

“Partnering with us as a sponsor will place your brand front and centre in front of a highly engaged and influential audience. Imagine seeing your logo prominently displayed at our event, mentioned in our marketing materials, and featured in media coverage. This is a unique opportunity to elevate your brand’s prestige and reinforce your position as a leader in the industry. Sponsorship will showcase your commitment to excellence and innovation, setting you apart from the competition.”
2. Tax Offset Motivated Company

Emphasize Financial Benefits and Deductions:

“Sponsoring our event not only supports a worthwhile cause but also offers significant financial benefits for your company. As a sponsor, you’ll be able to take advantage of tax deductions that can positively impact your bottom line. Our sponsorship packages are
designed to provide maximum value, ensuring that your investment yields substantial returns both in terms of financial savings and increased brand visibility. By supporting us, you can achieve your business goals while enjoying considerable tax advantages.”

3. Purpose-Led Business

Align with Values and Impact:

“We know that your company is dedicated to making a positive impact and supporting initiatives that align with your values. By sponsoring our event, you’ll be directly contributing to a cause that resonates with your mission. Your support will enable us to [describe the impact of the project/event], helping to create a lasting and meaningful difference. This partnership is an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to social responsibility and connect with an audience that shares your values. Together, we can drive change and make a significant impact in our community.”

Example Sponsorship Proposal Templates

[Your Business Name] Sponsorship Proposal

Introduction We are [Your Business Name], and we are excited to offer you an exclusive sponsorship opportunity for our upcoming [Event/Project].
Audience Our audience consists of [demographics, interests, engagement levels], which closely aligns with your target market.


  • Increased brand visibility through our marketing channels (list the followers / contacts / stats)
  • Opportunity to engage directly with potential customers.
  • Enhanced brand credibility through association with our event.\
  • Include ego driven benefit.
  • Include tax offset mention.
  • Add the meaningful contribution of their support.

Sponsorship Levels

  • Gold Sponsor: $5,000 – Logo on all materials, booth space, speaking opportunity.
  • Silver Sponsor: $2,500 – Logo on all materials, booth space.
  • Bronze Sponsor: $1,000 – Logo on all materials.

Call to Action We would love to discuss how we can work together. Please contact us at [email/phone] to set up a meeting.

Try this email using Convincers:

Subject: Exclusive Opportunity: Partner with [Your Business Name] for [Event/Project] Hi [Recipient’s Name], My name is [Your Name], and I am with [Your Business Name]. We are thrilled to see you value…….. , so we would like to offer you an exclusive sponsorship opportunity for our upcoming [Event/Project], taking place on [Date].

Why Sponsor Us?

  • Audience Reach and Engagement: Highlight the size, demographics, and engagement levels of your audience across your social media and email list. Sponsors are more likely to invest if they see a clear alignment with their target market.
  • Success Stories and Testimonials: Share stories of past sponsorship successes and include testimonials from previous sponsors who have benefited from partnering with you. Real-world examples can build credibility and trust.
  • Exclusive Opportunities: Offer exclusive benefits or opportunities that make the sponsorship unique. This could include premium placements, special mentions, or exclusive networking opportunities with key attendees or speakers.
  • Media Exposure: Detail the media coverage and publicity your event or project will receive. Highlight any partnerships with media outlets, influencers, or prominent bloggers that will enhance the sponsor’s visibility.
  • Detailed ROI: Provide a clear breakdown of the return on investment (ROI) for the sponsor. Use metrics and data to show how their sponsorship will translate into tangible benefits, such as increased brand awareness, lead generation, or sales.
  • Customized Sponsorship Packages: Offer tailored sponsorship packages that align with the sponsor’s goals and budget. Flexibility in options can make it easier for sponsors to find a level of support that suits them.
  • Alignment with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Goals: Emphasise how the sponsorship aligns with the sponsor’s CSR initiatives. If your project supports social causes or environmental sustainability, highlight these aspects.
  • Future Collaboration Opportunities: Suggest potential for ongoing partnerships beyond the initial sponsorship. Sponsors may be more inclined to invest if they see a long-term relationship with mutual benefits.
  • Event or Project Impact: Explain the impact and significance of your event or project. Demonstrating how the sponsor’s support will contribute to meaningful outcomes can be a powerful motivator.
  • Engagement Opportunities: Highlight opportunities for direct engagement with your audience, such as speaking slots, panel participation, or interactive sessions. Active involvement can enhance the sponsor’s experience and value perception. We would be  honoured to have [Recipient’s Company] as a sponsor and look forward to discussing how we can create a mutually beneficial partnership.  Active involvement can enhance the sponsor’s experience and value perception

Cold Email Templates

Template 1: Initial Outreach

Subject: Exciting Sponsorship Opportunity with [Your Business Name]
Hi [Recipient’s Name], My name is [Your Name], and I am with [Your Business Name]. We are organising [Event/Project]. We see that you are passionate about ……… and believe that [Recipient’s Company] would be a perfect partner for this initiative. Our event will attract [audience details], providing a unique opportunity for your brand to engage with potential customers. We offer various sponsorship levels designed to maximise your brand’s visibility, credibility and engagement. I would love to discuss this opportunity further. Are you available for a call next week? Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Template 2: Follow-Up

Subject: Follow-Up on Sponsorship Opportunity Hi [Recipient’s Name], I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding the sponsorship opportunity with [Your Business Name]. We believe this partnership could be incredibly beneficial for [Recipient’s Company], providing significant exposure and engagement with our audience. Our deadline is ….. and we have limited opportunities for the right business. Could we schedule a call to discuss this in more detail? Looking forward to your response.

Brochure Copy Example


Front Page:

Join Us as a Sponsor Boost your brand visibility and connect with your target audience by sponsoring [Event/Project].

Inside Pages:
  • About Us: A brief introduction to your business.
  • Event/Project Details: Information about the event/project and its significance.
  • Audience: Description of your audience and their demographics.
  • Sponsorship Levels: Details of different sponsorship packages.
  • Benefits for Sponsors: List of benefits for the sponsor.
  • Testimonials: Quotes from past sponsors.
  • Call to Action: Instructions on how to become a sponsor.

Example Scripts for Appointment Setting

Phone Script

“Hello [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Business Name]. We are hosting [Event/Project] and think [Recipient’s Company] would be a great fit as a sponsor. Our event will reach [audience details], providing excellent exposure for your brand. I would love to schedule a time to discuss this further. Are you available next week for a call?”
LinkedIn DM Script
“Hi [Recipient’s Name], I’m [Your Name] from [Your Business Name]. We are organising [Event/Project] and believe it would be a fantastic opportunity for [Recipient’s Company] to gain significant exposure and engage with our audience. I’d love to connect and discuss this opportunity further. Are you available for a call next week?”
Sponsorship marketing can significantly boost your business by providing financial support, resources, and increased visibility. By following this guide, you can effectively find and approach potential sponsors, create compelling proposals, and build lasting relationships that benefit both parties.

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