How to Develop a Successful Online Course That Sells

How to Develop a Successful Online Course That Sells

Who is This For? How Can You Use Online Courses in Your Business?

This guide is designed for purpose-led business owners, entrepreneurs, innovators, team leaders, and managers who are looking to leverage their expertise and expand their reach through online education. Whether you’re a coach, consultant, small business owner, or part of a larger organization, online courses can be a powerful tool to use as a lead magnet, monetise your knowledge, build authority in your niche, and create passive income streams. For in-house team training or onboarding, online courses provide a scalable and consistent way to ensure that all team members receive the same quality of training, regardless of location. This approach not only saves time and resources but also allows new employees to learn at their own pace and revisit material as needed, leading to more effective  onboarding and skill development.
In the context of an e-commerce business, online courses can be used as short course lead magnets to attract potential customers. By offering free or low-cost courses that provide valuable insights or skills related to your products, you can engage your audience, showcase your expertise, and build trust. This strategy not only generates leads but also creates opportunities for upselling your products or services, turning interested prospects into loyal customers. By effectively integrating online courses
into your business, you can foster community engagement, offer ongoing support, and create a scalable model that contributes to long-term sales online.

How to Make Money from an Online Course

1. Identify a Profitable Niche:
  • Conduct market research to understand what your target audience needs and what gaps exist in the market. Choose a topic that aligns with your expertise, communicates your point of difference, and meets the demand. Use to discover what your audience is searching for online.

2. Pricing Strategies:
  • Tiered Pricing: Offer different packages with varying levels of access or features (e.g., basic, advanced, premium).
  • Subscription Model: Charge a recurring fee for continuous access to content and updates.
  • One-Time Payment: Set a fixed price for lifetime access to thecourse.
  • Early Bird Discounts: Encourage early sign-ups by offering limited-time discounts.

3. Upselling and Cross-Selling:
  • Offer additional resources, personalised coaching, or related courses as upsells or cross-sells to increase revenue.

4. Affiliate Marketing:
  • Create an affiliate program to encourage others to promote your course in exchange for a commission on sales.

5. Bundling:
  • Package your course with other products or services you offer to provide greater value and attract more buyers.

The Process of Creating a Course Online

1. Course Planning and Organisation

Use Trello to Organise Your Ideas:
  • Create a Board: Start with a Trello board dedicated to your course.
  • Lists for Modules: Use lists to represent different modules or sections of your course.
  • Cards for Lessons: Break down each module into individual lessons, adding cards under each list.
  • Checklists for Content: Use checklists within cards to outline the content, resources, and key points for each lesson.
  • Attach any Resources: Add your links, videos or additional resources that you want in each module for easy transfer to your course builder when you are finished.

2. Content Creation

Choosing the Right Title:
  • Make it descriptive and intriguing, clearly conveying the value and outcome of the course. It is what it is. It should stop the right person from scrolling and identify with their pain or offer a solution.

Designing the Content:
  • Deliver on the Promise: Focus on depth in a niche area rather than covering too broad a range of topics.
  • Engagement: Include various content types (videos, quizzes, downloadable PDFs, etc.) to maintain interest.
  • Clarity and Structure: Present content in a logical, easy-to-follow structure.
  • Branding: Maintain consistency in the delivery of the content and format.

Selecting Resources:
  • Curate high-quality resources, such as videos, and tools, that complement your course material. Determining Course Length:
  • Balance between comprehensive coverage and concise delivery. Consider the learning pace of your target audience and aim for a manageable length.

3. Delivery and Engagement
Consider Accountability Mechanisms:
  • Automated Emails: Use auto-emails for reminders, encouragement, and progress tracking.
  • Community Groups: Create a dedicated group (e.g. Facebook) for course participants to engage, ask questions, and share experiences.
  • Regular Live Sessions: Offer live Q&A sessions or Zoom meetings for real-time interaction and support.

4. Marketing Your Course

Social Media Promotion:
  • Pre-Launch Buzz: Tease the course on your social channels with sneak peeks, testimonials, and countdowns.
  • Cross Promotion: Collaborate with influencers or referral partners in your niche to reach a wider audience.
  • Create Engaging Content: Use videos, infographics, and stories to highlight course benefits and features.

Email Marketing:
  • Segment Your List: Tailor your messages to different segments of your email list based on interests and behaviour.
  • Nurture Sequences: Send a series of emails that educate, build trust, and guide potential students toward enrolling.
  • Testimonials and Case Studies: Share success stories from past students to build credibility and inspire confidence. Consider giving away your course to a select relevant few in exchange for their testimonial when first starting.

5. Software and Tools for Course Delivery

Course Creation:
  • Content Creation Tools: Tools like Canva for graphics and editing, Zoom for Video and Audio, Youtube or Vimeo for Storage of videos, Otterai for transcription.
  • Learning Management System (LMS): Research LMS Platforms for hosting and delivering your course. Consider how they already integrate with the platforms you already have, and compare at the ongoing costs and additional expenses as you use the platform.

Payment Processing:
  • Use platforms like PayPal or Stripe for secure payment processing. Marketing and Communication:
  • Email Marketing: Compare platforms to discover which integrate with what you have and the pricing as you continue to grow. You need a platform for ongoing marketing, retargeting and to send automated email sequences for the online course.
  • Social Media Management: OBMHub is a great social media scheduling platform that is included with the LMS, (so it doesn’t have an additional cost), as well as it schedules to google.

OBMHub, Your All-in-One Online Course Solution offers a comprehensive online course builder designed to streamline the creation and delivery of your course.
Here’s how it works:
  • Payment Integration: Seamlessly process payments through built-in integrations with popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe, ensuring a secure and smooth transaction experience for your students.
  • Course Delivery: Use OBMHub’s intuitive interface to organise your content, manage students, and track progress. The platform supports various content types, allowing you to deliver engaging lessons.
  • Email Marketing and Automation: Leverage OBMHub’s powerful email marketing tools to send out targeted marketing campaigns to sell your course, and reminder emails to keep students engaged.
  • Social Media Management: Integrate your social media accounts to schedule and manage your course promotions, keeping your  audience informed and engaged. Manage all you social media enquiries from inside their platform. is the perfect partner to support your online course journey, providing everything you need from start to finish. With its user-friendly features and powerful tools, you can focus on delivering valuable content while OBMHub handles the technical aspects, ensuring a seamless and successful course launch. As a referrer, when you Email we can give you a BONUS Coupon Code and additional set up and support, worth $594.
Ready to Build Your Online Course?
If you’re ready to transform your expertise into a high-impact online course but need guidance on where to start, I invite you to book a complimentary consultation with an award-winning marketing strategist, Chantal Gerardy. Let’s discuss your vision, explore strategies tailored to your unique goals, and create a step-by-step plan to bring your online course to life. With professional insights and proven methodologies, you can confidently launch an engaging, profitable course that resonates with your audience and drives business growth. Click Contact us Chantal to schedule your call

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