
Creating Reels for Facebook and Instagram in 2024

Creating Reels for Facebook and Instagram in 2024

What are Reels?

Reels are short, entertaining videos that can be created and shared on Facebook and Instagram. They are a way to share engaging content with your audience, showcasing your creativity, personality, and interests. Reels can be up to 90 seconds long and can include music, effects, and various editing features.
According to Facebook, Reels on Instagram have been shown to increase engagement rates by up to 50% compared to regular feed posts.

How Reels Work on Facebook and Instagram

On both platforms, Reels are featured prominently in the main feed, making them highly visible to your followers and potential new audiences. Users can like, comment, and share Reels, helping to increase their reach and engagement. Additionally, Reels can be discovered through the Explore page, where users can browse trending content.

The Advantages of Reels

Reach: Reels often enjoy priority placement within social media algorithms, resulting in higher visibility and potentially reaching a broader audience compared to regular posts and stories.
Engagement: Due to their dynamic and interactive nature, Reels tend to generate higher engagement rates in the form of likes, comments, and shares. Their visually compelling format and the ability to incorporate trending music and effects make them more engaging for users.
Visibility: Reels are prominently featured on users’ feeds and the Explore page, increasing their visibility and likelihood of being discovered by new audiences. Additionally, Instagram actively promotes Reels through notifications and recommendations, further boosting their visibility. As of 2021, Instagram users spend an average of 20 minutes per day watching Reels, indicating a significant amount of time dedicated to consuming short form video content.

Tips on Creating Reels

1. Plan Your Content: Brainstorm ideas for your Reels and plan out the shots, transitions, and music you want to use.
2. Keep it Short and Sweet: Reels are meant to be quick and engaging, so make sure your video is concise and to the point.
3. Use Trending Music and Effects: Incorporate popular songs and effects to make your Reels more engaging and relevant.
4. Showcase Your Personality: Let your personality shine through in your Reels to connect with your audience on a personal level.
5. Experiment with Editing: Explore the various editing features available, such as filters, text overlays, and stickers, to enhance your Reels.
6. Include Call-to-Actions: Encourage viewers to like, comment, and share your Reels to increase engagement and reach.

Bonus Tip

I personally find it easier and more time effective to crop each video first on my phone before adding it to the reel.
What is B-roll? B-roll refers to supplemental footage that is intercut with the main footage in a video production. It can include shots of scenery, objects, or people, and is used to add visual interest and context to the main content.
Finding Trending Music: You can find trending music for your Reels by browsing the music library within the Facebook and Instagram apps.
Additionally, you can explore popular playlists on music streaming platforms like Spotify or Apple Music to discover new songs that are trending.
How to Remix: Remixing is a feature that allows users to create their own version of another user’s Reel. To remix a Reel, simply tap on the three dots (…) button on the Reel you want to remix and select the
“Remix this Reel” option. You can then record your own version of the Reel, adding your own creative twist to it.
Content to Post: When deciding what content to post as Reels, consider your audience’s interests and preferences. You can create tutorials, behind-the-scenes footage, funny skits, or showcase your talents and hobbies.
Choosing Hashtags: When choosing hashtags for your Reels, aim for a mix of popular and niche hashtags relevant to your content. This will help increase the discoverability of your Reels and attract a wider audience. You can also create custom hashtags specific to your brand or content.
Where to Make Reels: You can create Reels directly within the Facebook and Instagram apps using the built-in camera and editing tools.  Additionally, you can use third-party video editing apps like Adobe Premiere Rushr, InShot or Canva.
How to Repurpose Reels: You can repurpose your Reels by sharing them across other social media platforms like Twitter, TikTok, or YouTube.
You can also repurpose them into Instagram Stories highlights or post them on your website or blog to showcase your content.
Choosing a Cover Image: When selecting a cover image for your Reels, choose a visually appealing frame from your video that accurately represents the content. This will help grab viewers’ attention as they scroll through their feeds and encourage them to watch your Reel.
How to Use Reel Templates:Templates can be a convenient way to create engaging and visually appealing Reels quickly.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use reel templates

1. Choose a Template: Start by selecting a reel template that fits the style and content you want to create. You can find reel templates in various design apps and online platforms specifically tailored for social media content creation.
2. Customize the Template: Once you’ve chosen a template, you’ll typically have the option to customize it to suit your brand and content. This may include changing the colours, fonts, text
placement, and any other design elements.
3. Add Your Content: Replace the placeholder content in the template with your own photos, videos, and text. Make sure to follow the layout and design of the template to maintain visual consistency and coherence.
4. Edit and Enhance: Use the editing tools available in the app or platform to fine-tune your content. This may include adjusting the duration of each scene, adding transitions, applying filters or effects, and incorporating music or sound effects.
5. Preview Your Reel: Before finalizing your reel, preview it to ensure that everything looks and sounds as you intended. Make any necessary adjustments or refinements to improve the overall quality and appeal of your content.
6. Save and Share: Once you’re satisfied with your reel, save it to your device or directly to the social media platform where you plan to post it. Add relevant captions, hashtags, a cover image and tags before sharing it with your audience.
7.Engage with Your Audience: After posting your reel, monitor its performance and engage with your audience by responding to comments, likes, and shares.
Pay attention to what resonates with your audience and use that feedback to inform your future content creation.
8. Reading Reel insights: Insights can provide valuable data and metrics to help you understand how your content is performing and how you can optimize future Reels for better engagement and reach.

Here’s how to interpret and utilise reel insights effectively:

1. Accessing Insights:

On Instagram: Go to your profile, tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner, then select “Insights.” From there, tap on “Content,” and you’ll find insights specific to your Reels.
On Facebook: Insights for Reels are typically integrated into the overall Page Insights. Go to your Facebook Page, click on “Insights” at the top, then navigate to the “Posts” tab. Reels insights should be included there.
You can look at each reels individual insights to determine the effectiveness of the reel.

2. Metrics to Look For:

Views: This metric shows the total number of views your Reel has received. It gives you an idea of how many people you have reached and how many have watched your content. Watch time can give you an idea of suitable reel length time moving forward.
Likes and Comments: Engagement metrics like likes and comments indicate how well your Reel resonates with your audience. Higher engagement rates suggest that your content is compelling and encourages interaction.
Shares: The number of shares indicates how many users found your Reel valuable or entertaining enough to share with their own followers, potentially extending your reach.
Saves: Saves reflect how many users have saved your Reel to view later, indicating that your content is valuable or informative enough to warrant saving for future reference.
Reach and Impressions: These metrics provide insights int the overall reach and exposure of your Reel, indicating how many unique users have seen your content (reach) and how many times your Reel has been viewed (impressions).
Follower vs Non-Followers: If your Reel has led to an increase in your follower count, it suggests that your content resonates with new users and encourages them to connect with your brand. Gaining new followers is always a goal.

3. Interpreting Insights:

Pay attention to audience demographics. Insights may provide data on the age, gender, location, and interests of the users engaging with your Reels, allowing you to tailor your content to better meet their preferences.
Use insights to inform your content strategy. Based on the data collected, adjust your content, posting frequency, timing, and targeting to optimize engagement and reach. Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes Reels content on users’ feeds, resulting in higher visibility and reach. As a result, Reels have become a valuable tool for organic growth, with many users experiencing increased follower counts and engagement rates.
1. Engagement Boost: According to Facebook, Reels on Instagram have been shown to increase engagement rates by up to 50% compared to regular feed posts.
2. Global Adoption: Since its launch in August 2020, the number of Instagram users creating and watching Reels has surged, with over 60% of Instagram users having watched a Reel in the last month (as of 2021).
3. Content Consumption: As of 2021, Instagram users spend an average of 20 minutes per day watching Reels, indicating a significant amount of time dedicated to consuming short-form video content.
4. Brand Adoption: Brands have increasingly embraced Reels as a marketing tool, with over 50% of businesses on Instagram having created a Reel (as of 2021).
5. Algorithmic Boost: Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes Reels content on users’ feeds, resulting in higher visibility and reach. As a result, Reels have become a valuable tool for organic growth, with many users experiencing increased follower counts and engagement rates
Reels are a fun and creative way to engage with your audience on Facebook and Instagram.
By following these tips and best practices, you can create compelling Reels that resonate with your audience and help grow your presence on social media.
If you are unsure of your content marketing strategy and how reels fit into it, or if you are looking for team training on content marketing management and online customer generation strategies, then Choose a time to chat.
After a training session with 2 offshore VA team members, we were able to triple their reel performance and halve their time in creating them. Choose a time to chat.



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