
Content Repurposing

Content Repurposing

Repurposing content isn’t just about reusing or rehashing stuff, it actually requires a bit of effort from you in making it relevant, fresh and appealing to your existing audience, or, to a new audience.

Here are some of my top tips in content repurposing.
  1. Look at what you already have.  Go and look at every single piece of something that you have written, or any presentation that you’ve written, and put it all together.  It is a good idea to keep them categorised so that you can easily find what you need.  Then, going forward, every time you create something categorise it right away. This will save you having to play catch up.  Give your content a facelift. Some of the things you could do are you can add spaces, you can mix up your emoji’s, you can change the formatting of it, you might you choose to use bold words, or maybe italics, or even just a couple of capital letters. But one of the biggest things to do is to change your headline.  Try to use different images as well and changing it up with a GIF.  You could also restructure.  For example, a blow would normally be about 1500 to 3000 words.  You could break that down into a bunch of smaller posts.  Perhaps post them in a sequence which will make people look forward to the next in the series.
  2. Webinars.  Webinars are an awesome way to use old content or, you could turn it into a presentation.  Once all that old content is organised into categories it will be easy to compile it into a presentation.
  3. Create an infographic. A lot of the time we have to satisfy the statistical brains.  They love to see mind maps and infographics, or, percentages.
  4. Your Facebook page. Download your page information and refresh and republish old posts.  But don’t forget to give it a facelift.
  5. Ensure you post respectfully to the various platforms.  Content for Facebook is not the same as content for Instagram.
  6. The email newsletter. Remember that newsletters are short and punchy.  If you make them too long-winded and detailed they will go unread.
  7. Create an eBook out of your content. Create a nice eBook with a little breakdown of what everything is. You can even have that as an opt-in on your website.
  8. You can create it as a checklist.
  9. Guest posts. So for example, if you are posting on someone else’s site or commenting or they are doing it on your site.  You may then wish to also go and follow that thread.  Jump in and actually comment and share some of those tips that you may have that are relevant.
  10. Videos –  This is something that you can easily turn into content on YouTube.  You can put breaks and link to that part of the video that is relevant to the post.
  11. Create a video series.  You take all the videos you have done and you order them and then promote them as a series.  
  12. Facebook Live series – share a tip every day for 21 days.
  13. Is a case studies series. Interview your happy clients and get their feedback. Have a whole series of case studies one after the other.
  14. Take all your top tips and create an expert eBook. So it could be an expert series or expert eBook.
  15. Use your written content and convert it into the actual video. If you’ve written up something that was really, really good, you might then decide to do a Facebook Live or a video on it or convert it into webinars. It’s basically just taking it and flipping it on its head and doing it the other way around.
  16. Posts based on questions asked. “So do you want to know what the best the top questions of 2020 were? Well, I’ve put together a list of the Top 50 questions and the answers for 2020.” And you can basically go through and think about all your clients and all the questions that they’ve asked through 2020 and put it together.
  17. Create an online course with it.  You just need to put it all into a logical order.
  18. Taking long things and creating short things from them.
  19. Is an in instructor graphic, which is a nice big fancy word which I found this morning. Instructor graphic, which is basically I would say like an infographic is about information, like a piece of visual information, looking at statistics, and then but an instructor graphic is almost like a how-to. It could just be a how-to and again, just a visual. And you don’t have to tell them, especially if it’s free, you don’t have to show them how you’ve just got to show them the wallet. And they’ve got to book a call, obviously with you to show them the house, or they’ve got to opt-in, or they’ve got to enquire now.
  20. When you have events, repurpose the hell out of it. Using content, to get people to come to the event, then at the event, creating content at the event to get people excited about the event. And then following through and thanking or promoting or sending people to inquire now.
  21. Flashbacks.  Particularly if you were involved in awards.  Share the memory, this gives social credibility.
  22. When you’re doing your pitch at a business networking meeting get someone to record it for you. That way you can actually then share that pitch as well. And repurpose that pitch

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