
Did you Know Facebook is the Preferred Social Media Platform for Small Business

Did you Know Facebook is the Preferred Social Media Platform for Small Business

93% of Small Businesses Chose Facebook as their Preferred Social Media Platform.

The % below represents small businesses preference for use of the various social media platforms.
Facebook (93%) and Twitter (79%) The reason being that the content is more fun and entertaining
Linkedin (71%) and Google Plus (56%) as the content is more professional
Instagram (36%), Pinterest (45%) and Youtube (55%)

Of course, you need to consider who your ideal client is, and what platform they are using….. Plus, it needs to be specific to your industry/profession. Regardless, in order for any business to ‘keep up with the times’, a sound professional Facebook presence is needed, or the business may look outdated online. Or, you could be one of the successful businesses who is taking advantage of the FREE marketing opportunities that Facebook offers.

Guess What? The Business Owner is the Best Person to Manage their Facebook Profile:
  1. They have a passion for what they do
  2. They have authentic content at their fingertips
  3. They understand their client and what they need
  4. They can reduce the cost of their marketing whilst in the growth phase.
8 Tips on How to Manage your own Facebook Profile?
  1. Develop a Strategy (specific to your business)
  2. Gain the necessary simple Skills
  3. Set up a Professional Facebook Profile
  4. Create an Action Plan
  5. Post-Compelling Facebook Content Consistently
  6. Review and Respond
  7. Get your Leads off facebook
  8. Continue to Nurture & Grow your Audience
What to Post on Facebook when you don’t have a clue.

Consider the acronym M.i.p.i.e:

  1. Motivate
  2. Inform
  3. Promote
  4. Inspire
  5. Encourage …… Consistently

Facebook is a social platform so Post Blogs, Recipes, Seasonal topics, Jokes, Games, Promotions, Competitions, Testimonials, Staff profiles, Articles, Information, Videos, Links to your other Social Media accounts, Reviews etc, relevant to your business, and with strategic intention. Don’t forget to Review and Respond, and get them from being on Facebook to be your paying client.

Sometimes it takes working with a coach to get your strategy right.
Still have questions? Feel free to book a call.

Book a one on one call to find out what services would help you best!

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