
Facebook group strategy and management

Facebook group strategy and management

When selecting groups to join you need to make sure that that group is right for you and relevant to what you do.   Joining every group that you come across is going to waste your time and energy.  Monitoring those groups and engaging does take time and your time is valuable so you do not want to waste it on a group that is not going to benefit you in any way.  If the group is not relevant to your industry and interests then don’t join it.

Joining a group is all about engagement and building relationships. Before joining a group be sure to look at the following:

  • Is this group relevant to you and your business?
  • Is this group active with current activity?
  • Which have your ideal customers?
  • Which will allow you to promote?

It is important to have a strategy in place.  Be aware of what the rules of the group are and make sure that you adhere to those rules.  You do not want to come across as spammy.

Most importantly you need to stalk the group and find out if they have certain days for certain things i.e., marketing Monday etc.  Familiarise yourself with the rules and take note of them.

To help you keep track of the groups and what is allowed when I suggest using an Excel spreadsheet or Trello.  You can record the group URL and what days you can do what.  Then each day you can open up your spreadsheet and see which groups you can post in on that day and click the URL to go straight to it.

And remember, always check your notifications to see if there has been engagement on your post and respond. It is pointless posting and then not responding to comments.

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