
Future Planning And Performance – Empower Yourself To Sustain The Day To Day Running Of Your Business.

Future Planning And Performance – Empower Yourself To Sustain The Day To Day Running Of Your Business.

“You only live once. Spend each day as if it where your last.” YOLO

In the last session, we mapped out the year ahead, worked out the amount of money you needed to make weekly and looked at what you needed to include in your life to make it a more stress free and fulfilling one.

We talked about the important elements that helps keep the rollercoaster of emotions in business balanced and set you up for success.


Your thoughts:

Your thoughts and words create your reality (and they can be biased, influential and manipulative). They are like a magnet seeking out something that will be drawn to it. Change your thoughts and you change your world.


Your Happiness:

Your happiness is up to you and there is the need to train your brain and change your words. It is a personal responsibility, and it’s essential to train your brain and change the language you use. This will enable you to focus on the positive, attract good things, and sustain the day-to-day running of your business.



Your mindset plays a crucial role in how you feel, think, and act. It determines everything from your emotional state to your success in business. Thus, it’s important to have a growth mindset, one that’s open to new opportunities and ideas.

Speak into existence your desires and intentions, and the universe will conspire to make it happen. By changing how you think, you will change your attitudes and behaviors.

The brain rewires itself as you create new habits and replace old thoughts and words with new.

Your mindset determines everything from how you feel, to how you think, to how you act.

In the last session we looked at developing your awareness, acknowledging where you are and how you got there, and then looked at how to take inspired action.

We used the acronym SPICES to understand this better.

SPICES stands for socially, physically, intellectually, creatively, emotionally, and spiritually. Incorporating these elements into your life and business can help you maintain balance and achieve success. Ask yourself what you are doing well, what needs improvement and write down the action you need to take to be ‘full of spice’ in your life.


Identify the self-limiting beliefs and reframe and train them:

What toxic beliefs do you have, think about and say often that are not serving you right now about yourself, success, love and money? These self-limiting, often judgmental and opinionated thoughts can restrict us through self-sabotage, keeping us in the negative and preventing us from opportunities.


I’m not good enough

I don’t have enough time

I don’t have resources

I don’t have experience

I can’t because …..

I don’t follow through

I’m never going to be successful

I’m afraid of failure

I’m not talented

Some of mine I had…..

You must wear makeup and high heels

Only the good-looking make it rich

You can’t have it all

It’s too hard

I’m a mum I can’t have balance

Your thoughts cause your feelings, your feelings drive your actions, your actions create your results.

A belief is a thought you have thought over and over many times until your brain believes it to be true.



Decide how you want to think, feel and behave. What do you want to believe about yourself, success, love and money.



Create some powerful affirmations to use when needed:

Write them as if they’ve happened, use I am, keep it positive and emotive, keep them short and view and say them often. Eg. write them 21 times over 7 days or 7 times every day for 21 days or as a Screensaver or on post its on a mirror, fridge etc


Model the masters.

Model the masters because they’re the ones who have succeeded before you have done so because they followed a plan.

It starts with unlearning some adopted behaviours and then selecting a person who you admire, studying them and then creating an action plan. Use your weekly actions to record some ‘modelling’ of masters

Success doesn’t come from luck, fate or magic. It comes from hard work, hunger and surrounding yourself with the right people. We surround ourselves with what is better and see other people as role models. You go ‘ If they can do it, so can I’


Your ideal life

  1. Your Ideal day: What does your ideal day look like? Consider both personal and professional goals.
  1. Create your ideal day: Structure your day so that it is you and outcome focused. Include daily runnings like sleep, eat, exercise, picking up kids, kids activities, content writing, checking social media and emails (2 per day), nurturing referral partners, managing team, servicing customers, sales calls, follow up, networking, content posting, analyzing data, Play, walking dog, speaking, education/training, grocery shopping, cleaning, date day, self-care etc. Routine creates a habit which is easier to do. Run your day or the day will run you.
  1. Daily Planner: Before you start your day, use a daily planner to ensure you stay on track. Map out your top 3 Goals for the day and then the to do list in priority order
  1. Daily manifestation: I want to manifest? My daily affirmations and actions to take.
  1. Weekly actions: What habits and routines can you commit to reprogramming and empower your week? Your ideal week, current week and every week.
  1. Annual planner: Map out each months theme or focus eg. Webinar, online course, lead magnet creation etc.
  1. Use a desktop calendar to input the exact days you’re doing what you planned so you have it at a glance to implement. Include your social media and email days and campaign focus.


Circle of influence:

You can only control what you can control. The circle of influence (in this instance) are the people around you that you have influence over.

They are the HOT people around you that you can leverage before marketing to the cold.

Your circle of influence includes people you are currently connected to, such as current friends, past clients, past friends, and networking contacts. These are people who already know you and are familiar with your work. They may be able to provide referrals or recommendations, or help you spread the word about your business to their own contacts.

In addition to personal contacts, your circle of influence may also include referral partners, fans, and other HOT contacts who are interested in your work. These individuals may be able to help promote your business through social media or other channels, and can be a valuable resource for building your brand and attracting new clients.


Future planning and performance

As a business owner, it’s important to have a clear plan for the future in order to sustain the day-to-day running of your business.

Empower yourself to sustain theday-to-dayy running of your business.


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