
Strategies for Collaboration and Sales Success: Extracts from the Business Blueprint Conference August 2023

Strategies for Collaboration and Sales Success: Extracts from the Business Blueprint Conference August 2023



Attending the Business Blueprint Conference in Sydney opened my mind to fresh ideas in various areas of running a successful business.

Amid the conference buzz, I absorbed wisdom that beautifully combined smart business insights with innovative thinking and strategies driven by purpose.


High-Value Behaviours: How you can be more influential

Influence is fundamentally tied to how you make people feel, enabling you to transform the lives of those around you.

Assess the type of influence you possess on a scale of 1 to 10, as the world welcomes individuals who positively impact others’ lives, particularly purpose-driven families within a specific demographic.


Nelson Mandela once highlighted that true bravery isn’t the absence of fear, but rather taking action despite it.


Your beliefs manifest into reality, and the energy you radiate is a conscious choice that shapes first impressions.

Seek wisdom by surrounding yourself with wise individuals, for your company influences your growth. Embrace the power of seeking help and persevering through numerous challenges, which are akin to a series of short races. Cultivate life-changing habits, even if it means breaking existing patterns. Understand that change is possible if you truly desire it. Your life’s quality is reflected in health, finances, attitude, and relationships, so invest in these areas.

Allocate 10% more of yourself in your interactions, and commit fully to showing up. Be responsible for your reactions, and consider why you respond in certain ways. Embrace attentive listening when someone is speaking to you, for the greatest influence often lies in your willingness to hear rather than to defend. Develop a personal leadership code encompassing ten guiding principles.

Prioritize relationships over problems, as gratitude leads to happiness. Engage in consistent incidental exercise and be discerning about the advice you take. Building good relationships is vital for retaining valuable people around you. Strive to see the best in others and let your actions be guided by what’s right, rather than by fleeting emotions. Choose to woo others through authenticity instead of pushing a sale, and have the courage to admit mistakes.

Identify three areas where you can wield significant influence, and remember that intentional focus amplifies your impact.


Elevate Your Influence as a Purpose-Driven Business Owner!

Influence isn’t just about authority; it’s about how you make people feel. Imagine changing lives, impacting purpose-led families, and becoming an agent of positive change:

? Transform lives with high-value behaviors.

? Believe in the power of your thoughts and words.

? Hang around wise minds; wisdom is contagious.

? Embrace change, as improvement thrives on it.

? Radiate energy, make great first impressions.

? Seek wisdom and accept help for growth.

?‍♂️ Persevere; life’s successes are made of short races.

? Adopt a life-changing habit to empower others.

? Relationships over problems; connect deeply.

? Listen, don’t just defend, for true influence.


? Unlock your potential by focusing on:

  • Making relationships paramount.
  • Cultivating gratitude for lasting happiness.
  • Embracing consistent, small actions.
  • Choosing your advisors wisely.
  • Being a joy to be around.
  • Seeing the best in people.
  • Aligning actions with values.
  • Winning people with charm, not just selling.
  • Owning your mistakes and learning.
  • Intentionally influencing through focus.


I challenge you to rate yourself out of 10 on the above influential behaviors. How do you stack up? Where can you improve?

We are here not just to sell or make money,  but to serve…..To create positive change through what you do. Want to inspire as a business owner? Remember, influence comes through adopting the above high-value behaviors. The world craves leaders who positively impact lives. Transform your business approach, and watch your influence soar! ?? 


Re-Ignition Mindset

Positive thinking doesn’t work. Useful thinking is pragmatic. What’s useful to think, belief and take action on? You are in charge of what you believe. You can create what you want to see. Say, This is the best time in the history of the world ….. Go with that useful belief. Find beautiful things to focus on. Believe Opportunities are everywhere and your brain opens up. Your brain shuts down when you negative and thinking its tough time. Don’t blame, be angry or sit in denial… becoming accepting. You get your freedom back and create your own happiness. Stop looking for magic pill – “if only, if only” 

  1. Acceptance: of reality instead of being in denial. 
  2. Ownership: If you can’t change it create useful thinking around it. Let go and take responsibility. Take ownership of It. 
  3. Useful belief: Say, This is the best time in the history of the world …..
  4. Engagement: accept past, now, future people. Get over it . Adapt to diff people. Be engaged with people. 
  5. Dreaming: you can’t dream in denial and you’re engaged. 


Flat tired and uninspired 

Get over grief by accepting, taking ownership, choosing useful beliefs, being engaged and dream. 

Helen keller life is one of 2 things, daring adventure or nothing. Draw a line in the sand and have a daring adventure . 

Business collaboration: does investment in collab generate return – less costs more sales: Therese Tarlington 

Brand collab, joint venture, strategic marketing alliance, partnerships 

2 come together to create irresistible for same customer. 

Supercharge your brand 

Kolcraft and jeep – created jeep stroller 

Huggies – jeep – coles competition 

Attracts retailers and swarm of new customers – user generated content – people talking about them and wanting them. 

Grays online and mcgrath foundation 

Access to each others customer base 


Say, This is the best time in the history of the world …..


Csr and the block 


1+1 = 3 customer and we get better outcome 

  1. Cobrand: use your service or product to get into other people hands 
  2. Digital: use your Knowledge and Ip case study podcast comp 
  3. Inperson: use your location or event 


Four pillars gin and skincare (gin in the hands of more women) 

Created Go to gin with a facemask – fan Base sold out limited edition brand value 

Credibility collab:

The healthy home and aust ins of architect


She did a webinar for the architects who now work with her 

Form great partnerships 

SWAP marketing without money 


How you manage enquiries and leads

10 ways to make more sales in less time or effort:

  • Higher % engagement 
  • Front end qualification 
  • (see bb checklist)
  1. High % lead engagement: only engaging 30% of leads (the conversion code book) Lead atrophy and speed. Call within 5 mind convert 8 x higher 21 more times more effective . 391% if call within 1 min . 98% call in 3 min. Get back to people quicker. Best follow up day is Tuesday. Call 3 times in the first 2 hours 1min 1 hour 2 hour. Call once 48% and call 6 times 93%. 
  2. Front end qualification. All about disqualifying people. 
  3. Structured discovery. They acknowledge they have problem and are motivated to solve that problem. They articulate that to you. 
  4. Agreement of value before making an offer. They believe you can solve that problem. They see a big side in solving the problem. Happy to invest time, identity, money, energy, reputation, focus. Blind offer is when you haven’t shown above value. 
  5. Present your quotes / proposals. 10 advantages of presenting quotes: you control the process. Don’t lose control of process. Have faster sales cycle. Recalibrate. Build value before price. (don’t email through) Ask for the business (are you interest in going ahead) Set next contact point (micro commitment NOT open ended) Answer questions. None of your competitors will do it. Less follow up. 
  6. Premium version product: 20% will chose bigger option. 
  7. Regular price rise. Increase by 10% and wont affect conversion rate. 
  8. Proper opportunity tracking. 
  9. Follow up sequence 
  10. Back end offer – after sale offer 


Speed in follow up!!!!!! 

Shorten the sales cycle 


B2B explode sales results sales person and prospect – without cold calling or spamming 

  • Going after who you want to work with 
  • List of people you work with 
  • List of people aren’t coming in through normal marketing


Core Formula to 3 diff approaches. 

  • Happy to Present to people 
  • Not happy to present to people 
  • Book: challenger sale – based on research – (book – influence) 


What would compel you to buy, buy again and refer that business ? 

  • 19% because they a brand 
  • 19% said product service delivery 
  • 9% because price to value ratio 
  • 53% because of sales experience (unique perspective, help me navigate alternatives, ongoing advice, help me avoid landmines, educate me, easy to buy from, widespread support – so use in content marketing)


Market for any product:

  • 3% buying now (marketing appeal to) 
  • 7% in the market doing research 
  • 30% open to the idea 
  • 30% not thinking about it 
  • 30% think they don’t need one 


Education positions you as authority 

Bigger % of markets attention

Dissolves commoditization (buying on price) 

Helps them become better buyers 

Education base marketing 

Ongoing dialogue with consumers

The message has the power: contact pack (lead magnet b2b focused eg. Get more out of your marketing team (email / linkedin) We thought you may be interested in this report that you have that solves these 3 problems you have. We work with over 1000 purposeled business owners and found that they have these problems so we created this resource. Approach is everything . We created this resource for people in your position. Have these problems. We want you to fix these so would you like it and Ill send it through. If you want a hard copy send your address. Refer to their content (show you done your homework). Each week follow up sequence with each problem from report  (or dm in linkedin) Value messaging . 

  1. Content Pack
  2. Executive briefing (email linkedin)
  3. Presentation/webinar 


What you put in report? Who is target? Tailored to that industry more cut through. 

Specialized at this. Customized to industry 8page colour booklet with cover letter. Send video card. In the time you ate these cherry tomatoes I can show you how to make more sales. Golf bag and every week is a golf club . 

Good content and message that solves their pain

Put in smoking gun market data (statistics) in that industry 

Create 3 ‘Gee I didn’t know that’ moments 


3 steps:

  1. Where are you repeating yourself: Create report on it ? eg. How to spend less time online without ads or outsourcing. How to get fast results online without ads or outsourcing. How to get more sales online without ads or outsourcing.
  2. Biggest mistakes or misconceptions? Myths. FAQ (get rid of objections/pushback) 
  3. Templates / hand out 



  • 3-5 probs biggest problem my client is experiencing 
  • Write intro Broad overview of challenges 
  • Write paragraphs of problems 
  • Write paragraphs on solutions 
  • And what they will learn from this 
  • Case studies 
  • 3 ways to improve that (educate)
  • and how they can get help from you. 


Make appointment to do briefing or executive appt with relevant person 

Send dm linkedin with link (do search, connect (40/day), offer report, start conversation) 


!!! Get Infront of sales / marketing manager !!!!

Create sense of urgency (- use courier – qr code – not po box ) Then call to arrange discussion.  Test using optin vs no optin (he doesn’t use it) 


Relevant / Specific 

(linkedin B2B Strategy) 


Email deliverability !! white list domain 


Unique challenges – unique solutions : hands against the water Peter Baines

When there is no plan it comes down to the leaders

Hope is not a plan. Because you hope it wont happen, you wont be prepared for it 

If you wait until you have all the answers, you’ll miss the opportunity 

Make mistake which is hard to come back from. 

Deal with resistance first 

Have process but accept risk and remain creative.

Don’t be scared to make difficult decisions 

Actions and reactions define leader 


Be closer to the clients you have and the ones you want 

How can I help ?


Manage your self:

  • Frantic get into it 
  • Controlled – get on top of it 
  • Working – get on with it 
  • Exit – Get out of it 


Every time you have encounter with someone you get to leave an impression. 

Find a journey worthy of your heart and soul – seth godin 


We cant change what happened, but we can change what happens next 

Focus on results not excuses. 

Long term change you need long term commitment and not give up so easily 

Don’t let perfect be the evil of good. Don’t wait until its perfect 

Plan for a lifetime – educate people 

What is your measure of success for you ? the diff you make . 

You cant aspire to what you don’t see – visualize 

Expand your vision 

Don’t listen to people limiting your self

Don’t let people impose their limitations on you 

Have courage to make difficult decisions personal business etc and live with decision 

Don’t let yesterday define today 

Tell people you love them more and give more hugs 


Everything falls on leadership

(book) 24 laws of leaderships:

Personal Responsibility and Growth: The phrase “What part do you play in what’s happening to you?” encourages self-reflection and taking responsibility for one’s actions and reactions. By acknowledging our role in situations, we can avoid a victim mindset and focus on personal growth and development. This mindset shift can lead to greater resilience and empowerment.

Understanding Others’ Needs in Relationships: The idea that “Find out what the other person wants and give it to them = great relationships” emphasizes the importance of empathy and communication in building strong connections. Recognizing and fulfilling others’ needs and desires cultivates healthy and meaningful relationships.

Love Languages: Love languages refer to the different ways individuals express and receive love and affection. Understanding these languages—such as acts of service, words of affirmation, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch—can help people effectively communicate and nurture relationships.

Momentum in Business: “Momentum is your best friend in business” underscores the advantage of maintaining consistent progress in a business venture. Building momentum creates a sense of accomplishment, attracts attention, and can propel a business toward success through a snowball effect.

Challenges and Ease: The statement “Everything is hard until it’s easy” acknowledges that challenges are a natural part of growth. Difficulties may seem insurmountable at first, but as we persist and learn, we eventually master them, making the once-difficult tasks feel effortless.

Effective Leadership: Leaders recognize that the completion of tasks doesn’t equate to meaningful accomplishments. They prioritize tasks based on their importance and impact, ensuring that the team focuses on activities that align with overarching goals.

Goal Setting and Planning: “Busy doing what!!! Goal setting and planning daily” emphasizes the necessity of setting clear goals and creating actionable plans. This proactive approach ensures that time and effort are directed toward tasks that contribute to long-term success.

Empowerment and Problem Solving: The individual named Qyan expresses a desire to empower others and solve their problems. This aspiration reflects a dedication to providing value and making a positive impact on people’s lives, which can lead to meaningful connections and personal fulfillment.

Team Training and Support: Qyan recognizes the importance of training team members effectively and providing ongoing support. This commitment to facilitating a smooth transition and fostering continuous improvement demonstrates a dedication to the success of the team.

I want to solve a few problems for you 

I want to make an impact 

I want you to leave feeling empowered and in control of your customer generation and marketing 

It takes 2 weeks to train up a team member and then they need ongoing training and support. I want to make that easy for you. Are you capable of training them? 

  • Fast lead response times
  • Respond to leads in 5 minutes 
  • Companies that follow up 7 times get 15% more sales (automations chat bot) 
  • Automate 90% of your sales process 
  • App.nexlvi.ai – create a chatbot 

Efficient Sales Process: Qyan’s strategy involves fast lead response times and automating aspects of the sales process. These practices are grounded in research, such as the increased sales associated with prompt follow-ups and streamlined interactions.

  1. Add a new bot
  2. Add the website 
  3. Open ai network account and use 3.5 turbo 
  4. Connect 
  5. Go to training data 
  6. Add training right side (content, files, catalogue, Wikipedia, previous conversations)  
  7. Start training again after adding content 
  8. Bot settings 
  9. Type a message into bot to test 
  10. Go to websites bottom left 
  11. Create new project 
  12. Import template – take code from bot and embed on website 
  13. Ai chat bot middle chat widget code 
  14. Body start – paste code 
  15. Training data – all questions it cant answer will be their for you to add content / give call to action answer you want 
  16. Bot settings: bot skills : small talk, give it personality , Human rollover= tag them, notifications to team . sms easy reply (not recommend) Negative topic = off limit topics . 
  17. Lead capture form – when do you want to use it. select form 

AI Chatbot Implementation: The passage provides practical steps for setting up an AI chatbot to enhance customer engagement and lead generation. This technology streamlines communication and automates certain tasks, contributing to a more efficient sales process.

Creating a Vision Plan: 90day vision – 1page vision per each department: 

  • Size
  • Shape 
  • Products
  • Customers
  • Financial
  • Source of revenue 
  • Leadership
  • Staff and role
  • Market
  • Media
  • Expansion plans
  • Exit strategy 


Book a call and I’ll show you how we could get your online marketing to work for you. You will not only get a beneficial tip or 2, but you’ll also get the opportunity to see if we can work together to grow your business. 



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