
Why Is Your Business Such Hard Work?

Why Is Your Business Such Hard Work?

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What I have struggled with is why with the same coaching and opportunities some
clients easily succeed and others struggle more.

I constantly explore why, as I want them all to succeed.
What I’ve worked out is that it comes down to this….

This seems to be the thing those succeeding less are not doing, and that’s the EMPOWERMENT OF SELF.

The vehicle of which they are delivering their marketing strategies (themselves) is not in optimal working order. And I so want that for everyone.

You are not the same person you where 5 years ago.

The person you are now is not the person you need to be in 5 years time.

So, who is that person? How is the you right now
sabotaging your personal and business growth?

Some of you may know My mothers side of the family is Italian. As Italians, We can often say more than we should, talk a lot, can be hypochondriac and very often
dramatize. So when you voice something, everyone starts to indulge in it and mostly in the negative. It can in fact be exhausting and non productive.

I’m very aware of it. I have spent many years working towards my future self, which is successful in business, has
a good money mindset, manages stress better, is happy and has a soul satisfying life. And its been a bumpy ride and continues to be a journey.
I often look at certain people who I wish to be like and think ‘what do they do to be like that’ because I want that. They become good role models for myself. And that is how I got
into breathwork. I saw how abundant and enlightened people where who did it and I wanted that for myself. I’m open to trying anything. Give me the recipe and Ill follow it.
(When harry met sally – I’ll have what she is having) Thanks

And this is what I have seen, experienced and learnt. You are making your business hard work. You are making your life a drama, a soap opera. You are constantly gathering
information and indulging in that information to support that it is hard work. You are clinging onto what you deem is comfortable out of fear for the unknown, the challenge and
the change which needs to happen, in order to grow and become the person you want to be.

You and your business will not change unless you grow. You cannot become your future abundant, happy, prosperous, and successful self without changing something. And it starts
with your awareness of self.

Think of the impact of always thinking or saying “I’m not good enough” vs “I am good enough”.
Constituently thinking “What if”

We constantly tell ourselves:
I can’t
Too old
Don’t enjoy it
Not enough money
Not a marketer
Need to outsource it
Too young
Don’t know how
Not good at social media
I was burnt before
I don’t have time
I don’t have money
Its not good enough
Im not creative
Im non techy
Im stressed
I have anxiety

You are stressing you out.
Think about how you spend your moments.
In a 24 hr day, account for each 15 min. How much are you spending in stress, negative thoughts or tasks that don’t serve you ?
How much is spent affirming, attracting and creating , positive practices and thoughts which empower you to become the person you want to be ?
I challenge you to toggle your time and add it all up. You’ll be surprised if not shocked.
But Don’t worry

Change starts with awareness ( which if you did the exercise you’ll be there)

Now, acknowledge that behaviour (name it) and lastly most importantly then start to fill your day with positive inspiration and processes. That alone will
start to dissipate what’s not serving you and voila you’ll start to have more soul satisfying days, feelings experiences and opportunities.

When you are stressed, you CANNOT:
– believe you’ll be alright
– create the life you want
– attract your heart’s desire.

If you want the space to trust, create and attract a profitable business, you need to eliminate stress triggers, add in strategies to elevate the stress, and
include the qualities of how you want to be.

Benefits of breathwork for your business and how it can help:
– Increases creativity necessary for problem solving and innovation
– Increases focus necessary for bringing your vision to life to move forward
– Enhances Mood necessary for decision making, planning, facing obstacles and trying
new things
– Improves brain function necessary for thinking and coming up with new ideas
– Self-awareness necessary for clarity, communication and relationships
Additional benefits include:
– The release of feel good hormones
– Improves immune system, cholesterol and blood pressure
– Calming of the mind
– Releases stress and anxiety
– Helps with insomnia
– Heal, release and restore ourselves from traumatic events which are self sabotaging
and holding us back.

You will continually need to process triggers and blocks in your life in order to overcome them, and correct your course to the direction you want it to go.
Fortunately it’s available to everyone you just have to show up for it.

As a VIP I have created the space for you on a Friday 1-2pm to do Breathwork.

The alternative …. You can continue to fill your head, heart and days with the
negative and create more of your ‘inner Italian’ drama for yourself which will shut down any hope of a fulfilling life.

So why wouldn’t you block out time each day to look after your thoughts,
feelings and stress? (or at least on a Friday with the VIPS)

You only have to be open to it and it’ll become easy for you.
We allow time to exercise the body… but when do you exercise your spirit which is what drives your life ?

Join our exclusive VIP LIVE audience so you don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights from industry experts.

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